Close up of oranges slices

New Feature: Therapeutic Diets Overview Tables

Nutritional Therapy for IBD would like to announce the addition of the Therapeutic Diets Overview Tables. A common question when navigating therapeutic diets is "How do they compare to one another in terms of the foods that are included or excluded?" These tables provide the most extensive comparison to date. Most importantly, they have been reviewed by published researchers from each of these diets, not only for accuracy but also for proper representation of the principles of the diets.

New Feature: Therapeutic Diets Overview Tables

Creation of these tables required extensive review and revision to reach this published state. As it is tricky to compare the dietary therapies given their various stages of use, please be sure to read the introduction and notes on this page relative to each of the diets, as the comments provided here help to clarify terms of comparison and important considerations from these dietary researchers. Many find these tables to be very useful in navigating the similarities and differences among available therapeutic diets and we believe you will too.

Food Table

The Food Table provides a detailed comparison of the various therapeutic diets with information about which foods are allowed, restricted, or excluded. It can be viewed organized by similarities and differences (allowed, allowed or selectively allowed, excluded, or excluded or restricted) or by food type.

Food Table Overview

In addition to the detailed comparison table, a table of generalized similarities illustrates which food types are generally allowed in a therapeutic diet, which food types are generally excluded, and which food types do not fall consistently in one category or the other.

Characteristics of the Diets

The final table is a table that illustrate characteristics of each diet that do not involve the allowed and restricted foods list.

Check out the Therapeutic Diets Overview Tables

Somebody in the kitch - view from the back while preparing healthy foods. Cutting board with various healthy foodsPink Milkshake and fruits on a white table and pink backgroundWoman stirring in a pot with vegetables.on the stove

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