Detailed information
Jen Smith, MS, RD, CSP, LD, LMT, is a Clinical Dietitian at Nationwide Children's Hospital. She has been working at Nationwide Children's Hospital with an emphasis in Gastroenterology since 2003. She completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees from The Ohio State University. She is a board certified specialist in Pediatric Nutrition. She has won many awards in nutrition including Ohio Dietetic Association's Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year. Jen's primary area of interest is Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She is a leader in IBD nutrition and has led local, regional, and national nutrition projects which have been presented at national conferences and published in scientific journals. She is active member and has been involved with speaking engagements within many organizations including the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics, the NASPGHAN Council for Pediatric Nutrition Professionals, and the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. She is an active participant in ImproveCareNow, a quality improvement collaborative, dedicated to improving care for pediatric inflammatory bowel disease.