Dietary Exposures and Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Current Evidence and Emerging Concepts

Dietary Exposures and Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Current Evidence and Emerging Concepts


Diet is intimately linked to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and has potent effects on intestinal immune homeostasis. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterized by chronic inflammation of the GI tract. The therapeutic implications of diet in patients with IBD have received significant attention in recent years. In this review, we provide a contemporary and comprehensive overview of dietary exposures and interventions in IBD. Epidemiological studies suggest that ultra-processed foods, food additives, and emulsifiers are associated with a higher incidence of IBD. Exclusion and elimination diets are associated with improved symptoms in patients with IBD, but no effects on objective markers of inflammation. Specific dietary interventions (e.g., Mediterranean, specific carbohydrate, high fiber, ketogenic, anti-inflammatory diets) have been shown to reduce symptoms, improve inflammatory biomarkers, and quality of life metrics to varying degrees, but these studies are limited by study design, underpowering, heterogeneity, and confounding. To date, there is no robust evidence that any dietary intervention alone may replace standard therapies in patients with IBD. However, diet may play an adjunct role to induce or maintain clinical remission with standard IBD therapies. The results of novel dietary trials in IBD such as personalized fiber, intermittent fasting, and time-restricted diets are eagerly awaited.

Dietary Exposures and Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Current Evidence and Emerging Concepts
Type of Article
Review Article - Concept Article
Diets studied
Whole Foods Plant Based
January 22, 2023
Gubatan, J. et al

Gubatan, J., Kulkarni, C. V., Talamantes, S. M., Temby, M., Fardeen, T., & Sinha, S. R. (2023). Dietary Exposures and Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Current Evidence and Emerging Concepts. Nutrients, 15(3), 579.

ISSN Number

Specific dietary interventions have been shown to reduce symptoms, improve inflammatory biomarkers, and quality of life metrics to varying degrees, but these studies are limited by study design, underpowering, heterogeneity, and confounding. While no definitive recommendations regarding specific dietary interventions as therapy in IBD can be made at this clinicians together with a dedicated nutritionist should discuss types of dietary interventions previously investigated, possible benefits and risks, and quality of evidence with patients who may be interested in incorporating dietary changes to their standard therapies.

Somebody in the kitch - view from the back while preparing healthy foods. Cutting board with various healthy foodsPink Milkshake and fruits on a white table and pink backgroundWoman stirring in a pot with vegetables.on the stove

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