Effect of the Crohn's Disease Exclusion Diet (CDED) on the Fecal Calprotectin Level in Children with Active Crohn's Disease

(1) Background: The CDED + PEN (partial enteral nutrition) is a promising method of nutritional treatment in active Crohn's disease (CD). An increase in fecal calprotectin (FCP) level—a marker of mucosal inflammation—happens to be the first evidence of Crohn's disease exacerbation that appears ahead of clinical symptoms and usually co-exists with them. In this study, we present our own experience with using the CDED + PEN in the treatment of children with CD and an increased FCP level. (2) Methods: In total, 48 children (male/female: 27/21) aged 4-17 years (median value = 13.43; IQR = 4.00) were treated with CDED + PEN between June 2019 and July 2021. The main inclusion criteria for the study was active CD defined as an FCP level ≥ 250.00 µg/g. Patients with severe clinical manifestation of CD (PCDAI >40.00), as well as ones who started any new concomitant CD treatment later than at least 4 weeks before the start of dietary intervention, were excluded from the analysis. The PCDAI and fecal calprotectin level were assessed at weeks 0 and 12. The primary endpoint was ITT normalization of FCP level, i.e., a result < 250.00 µg/g at week 12. The Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test was used for statistical analysis. (3) Results: The normalization of the FCP level was obtained in 17 children (35.42%) and an FCP level decrease of at least 50% occurred in 26 patients (54.17%). The reduction in fecal calprotectin level between week 0 and week 12 was statistically significant with a median value of 1045.00 µg/g; IQR = 1188.00, and 363.00 µg/g; IQR = 665.00, respectively (p < 0.05). Among 29 patients who were not in clinical remission at baseline, 16 (55.17%) achieved clinical remission (PCDAI < 10.00) at week 12 and 20 (68.97%) obtained a clinical response defined as at least a 12.50 point drop in PCDAI or remission. In this group, the reduction in PCDAI between baseline and week 12 was statistically significant (median value = 20.00 points; IQR = 7.50 and 5.00 points; IQR = 5.00, respectively (p < 0.05)). All patients with a normal FCP level at week 12 were in clinical remission and 16 (94.13%) of them had a normal CRP (C-reactive protein) value. In 10 children (20.83%) the full course of 12 weeks with CDED + PEN was not completed or the concomitant therapy had been started before week 12 due to the lack of efficacy/intolerance of nutritional treatment. (4) Conclusions: The 12-week course of treatment with the CDED + PEN has a beneficial effect on the fecal calprotectin level in children with active CD. The dietary intervention led to a significant decrease in the FCP level in the studied group and to the normalization of this parameter in every third patient.
Effect of the Crohn's Disease Exclusion Diet (CDED) on the Fecal Calprotectin Level in Children with Active Crohn's Disease
Type of Article
Primary Research
Diets studied
July 17, 2022
Matuszczyk M, et al.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Matuszczyk, M., Meglicka, M., Wiernicka, A., Jarzębicka, D., Osiecki, M., Kotkowicz-Szczur, M., & Kierkuś, J. (2022). Effect of the Crohn’s Disease Exclusion Diet (CDED) on the Fecal Calprotectin Level in Children with Active Crohn’s Disease. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(14), 4146.
ISSN Number
In their conclusion, the authors wrote: “In the group under analysis, this nutritional intervention resulted in a significant decrease in FCP level and contributed to normalization of this parameter in one-third of patients, which is a similar or better result compared to pharmacological treatment.”

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